Quote Originally Posted by Argoub View Post
Hey There ^^

I saw alot of threads / people in game complain about getting low drops even with high gold loot recently , so i just wanna clarify somethings and hope make most of those people understand the mechanism of gold loot

So technically from what i understand , even if u got the highest gold loot in the game , it still doesnt prevent u from getting low gold drops , ima explain this with booty gold drops as an example :

From what i got from my experience in the event and from my friends and guildies the gold drop is between 500-3k with 0% gold loot , (i personnally have 600% gold loot so we'll take it as an example) and from the runs i did the gold droped with 600% was between 3K-18k .

As u notice , the 600% gold loot increased the gold drop in an impressive way , but as u can see the lowest gold drop from 600% is equal to the highest gold drop with 0% , the key word here : is RNG

The Idea I Wanna Clarify Is : Even if ur gold loot is VERY VERY HIGH , a few low drops are very very normal so theres no need to complain about gold loot , the same way u can get 3k from booty boss several times is the same odds u can get 18k from each booty boss , same thing applies to deep marsh and gates and every other gold loot bosses

If i have a mistake in the way i explained this : Do point it out , we here to understand and learn together in a civil way ^^)

P.S : Pets with gold loot whatever they are , timur , harry , regifter or whoever : They Dont Negate Ur Gold Drops

Thank You And Have Fun ^^)
Not really related to the topic, but there's no need for a space before a punctuation mark. XD