Quote Originally Posted by Susanne View Post
Wow..you really let me have it didn't you? I certainly do remember all the maps you mentioned but we didn't have such overpriced weapons back then that got nerfed, tweaked and had a ridiculously unpredictable proc. Neither did we have so many auras impeding gameplay.
People crafted items remember? Planar pendant, rendtail. You could purchase gears from npc for tokens too. Sets were craftable and last but not least, there was decent loot.
If you read my post properly you will see that I did try the new weapons and I don't like them and that's my opinion of which I'm entitled to.
I don't blame the developers for the gears, they listened to the people on here.
I do blame them for the low drops and creating so many auras.
I do think that the npc sells nothing that's any use and I can't see where the expansion is heading.
Please enlighten me if you know because I played earlier and there was hardly anyone there.
I don't want instant maps that drop loads of gold, I only ran evg for aps, that place was boring. Deep Marsh, well that place is good if you suffer from insomnia and don't even get me started on mogera.
Maus is still playable though.
I wish marsh crates would disappear forever and be replaced by something worth having. You can make your own mind up about that.
I stated my opinion. I'm entitled to have one. I respect your opinion.
Have a good day.
I did read your post properly. If you actually do same with mine, you will see that i didn't mention your preferences/opinion about weapons, so don't get offended about something that i didnt even say.
I remember craftable stuff, but you dont mention how hard it was to craft. Farming weeks and weeks for planar pendant, arcane ring, nekro, glintstone set, etc. Although i agree it was fun and i'd love to see something similar again, let me tell you something : nowadays is much easier to get best ring/amulet/pet than it was before. You can farm gold in those maps i said or run events and sell stuff.

Enlighten you about new maps being barely played? I did in my post : players want instant rewards, so they run DM or EvG. No efforts, no challenges, have fun doesn't matter for them.

I also said that npc (vendor) needs more attractive things, and i wish they would add option to hide auras, yes.

If you post your opinion on a public forum, you will likely get a response. It may be to agree or to disagree with you, so i'd recommend to thicken your skin.