Quote Originally Posted by Evildantee View Post
Woah woah hol up .. y'all are jumping on everlights because he said that new elder weapons shouldn't come yet since we still have gelids? If you all wanted it maybe you'd have either farmed super hard during winterfest last year when they dropped in the event zone or you'd have saved up gold for it and for crying out loud there are other elder weapons that can match up to the gelids like level 51 kierovan .stats wise it dwarfs gelid skirmishers and the only advantage gelid skirmishers has over it is just the proc tbh plus it's not like the kierovan is expensive .it's cheap and easy to obtain ,there's still o'morte and other weapons for this level cap that are elders so if you want those do the logical thing which is farm or merch and save up gold to buy it because I mean imagine if everyone on DL came here to complain about stuff simply because they couldn't afford them but I see a lot of players put the time in for grinding heck even I never complained for weapons to return when I pvped simply because I couldn't afford them .I farmed and saved up gold to buy it .most of you on this forum are babies and need to grow up. All everlights did was say something right and y'all are attacking him? Like think for once smh
Many people disagree with him because what he said is wrong and I know many people farm alot during events but are you only thinking about those players what about the rest of them who were not there during event or joined game after the event ? You also said that kierovan weapon is a good option if they don't have gelid but why are you asking them to use it or other elder weapons when they want gelid weapon or some new weapon which is as good as gelid . Kierovan and other elder weapon might be good but still not as much as the gelid and not everyone has it and players like you don't want it to return more people will agree with me on this but there are only few like you who don't want them

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