Quote Originally Posted by umarrahim View Post
Idk why yall forgetting that mage proc grants 4x crit as well.

Warrs barely rich 8k dmg after their proc, while Mages have 8k dmg without proc.

It kinda balances out, mage proc takes longer to proc, but has a better proc... peace

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First of all regular war dmg is around 6k+

Second dozer aegis also boost war crit by a ridicilous amount

War has 2 weapons that boost damage, and it doesnt go to 8k lol... It goes to like 25k +, usual is around 13k each, so basicly its the same thing, rogs and mages have 1 weapon to boost damage that gives more damage, warrior has 2 weapons thst boost damage that give a bit lower, at the end, its the same

Let me give you a nice example

K so when fighting mobs mage would usualy have shield, fireball, clock, lightning, main proc activator is fireball and main aoe dmg dealer is clock but because proc rates are bad often your fireball wont activate proc so you would have to use clock aswell, by then your proc Will deffinetly activate, but the problem is that you always have 3-4 seconds gap where you cant do any damage cuz ur skills are on cd

When you look at it by itself it doesnt seem like too big of a deal, but when you compare it to wars and mages, those classes have way more balanced scenario, rogues skills are mostly single target but dug daggs take care of enemies because of aoe, war skills have very long cd, but again cuz of that aoe on procs they handle big groups of mobs very well, placing the mages at the last place when it comes to killing mobs what is ridicilous because mages are suposed to have highest aoe dmg and should be the Best class for killing big groups od mobs

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