Quote Originally Posted by Draebatad
Have you ever liquidated, gifted or even traded the wrong item by accident? It happens. But with the ability to lock/protect items in your inventory, you'd never need to worry about that again, just select the items you want protected, and those items will not be able to be traded, gifted, stashed or liquidated.
Quote Originally Posted by Futumsh View Post
This is coming in the next app update (probably within the next month) with the exception that you can stash them - the 'protection' is for your account rather than a specific character.
Futumsh, now that bit of news is pure music to any PL lover's ears! Thank you so much for the heads-up. This is another one of those features that people will wish they had had since PL started. But it's never to late. Totally looking forward to this one! I like how items will be protected across the entire account and that the items will be able to be stashed.

Also, another player asked if the "Sell All" function that says the rarity could also have the colors of each of their associated rarities. So Epic rarity would list as purple, Rare as green, and so on.

Super impressed with all of the good work, STS. Much love and appreciation.

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