You guys want accounts looked into and investigated. Realize something. Event or no events rules are broken on this stupid game everyday. You guys want to whine about players on leaderboards how about just cry that the dev's made such an event. People have lives which includes jobs school family fun REAL events to go to. Not waste half and more of a day on a game farming to stay in a position. What's even more funny is the fact that CINCO SAID THESE GEMS WILL RETURN. Yet look at us being crazy. Pointing fingers. Name calling. Starting drama. We should be asking cinco why bother with such an event when he will bring these gems back? For the "exclusivity" lol what a joke! Half of the items on dl aren't even exclusive anymore. I'm not naming them because they are too many but people will understand.
It seems at this point we are just farming to stay in position for a vanity which I'm betting will give no boosts or overpower another vanity which I bet players spent a lot of plat on.
Sts shouldn't run events. They should run for president. They've got the scamming and hacking people down to a notch.