Quote Originally Posted by Aeot View Post
It's pretty smart and normal not to expect a business to have your profit as their priority. Some players need to understand this. If they're free to open, then the droprate will be worse.
First of all bro do you even understand what business means? Lol when you're doing a business with someone you see equal profit on both sides perhaps even more on your side.. It's not smart or having a business mind if you're gonna invet your time and energy where you make zero profit of what the other party is making. I wouldn't. But speaking from a normal f2p players perspective the struggle is kind of hard. The whole defending the bias thing to be under devs roses is just stupid lol. Pointing out what's obvious isn't stupid too. Good luck to you convincing yourself this so called "BUSINESS" Of yours is making you shet ton of profit.

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