Quote Originally Posted by OverkillED View Post
Oh hullo. I'm TheCheekyness and my build is:

6 rage
4/5 beckon
6 taunt
6 evade
6 Hellscream
5 CB (if 3 stomp), 6 CB for more debuff but less range and damage on stomp
3 stomp (if 5 CB), 2 stomp for less damage and less range
1 Super Mega Slash
1 Crippling Slash

If you chose 4 beckon instead of 5, then add a point to CB or stomp or vengeful slash. 40 tank bears with this build demolish voodoos and sometimes forg mages. It's not all that bad, but L40 forg mages still OP. :/
can u give me some combo move for each class? and probably some pro tips hehehe