Quote Originally Posted by JaytB View Post
One thing to consider IMO, would be that it means that relatively new players, who grinded to 66 to get fang armor, only did it to get a worthless (stats wise) vanity item.

Among the newer players, who grinded to 66 as their first cap, I'm sure many of them did that expecting to get a vanity set bonus during this next (71) lvl cap.

If STS would just start a new vanity set from scratch, I can't help but think that those players will be very upset.

Whatever the case may be, we'll know soon enough I guess
Whatever choice you choose, people will be upset.

I think it should create an entire new set. Here's why: This would appease the full set owners who say their CoP would be useless. It wouldn't, they could choose between sets, New Elite Set vs. Old Elite Set.

The L66 armor is pretty eye appealing too, so those who grinded could use it to boast, "Hey, I made it to at least one of the old elite caps!".

Also, remember, the original CoP gave no bonus. People grinded because they felt like it and wanted the items for its looks.

Going to try to keep it a friendly debate, haha.