I'm not even going to stop there. Why is it when 100 cap first launched all we saw was how great it was. I come along with rhino, a class Cinco was generous enough to give a advantage to by giving their axes 150 more damage than bears sword, this was done because cinco heard our pleas about rhinos being a useless class from the last 3 caps, then everyone had to complain and say rhinos were busted even Apex. When i looked at their reasoning i saw that NOT A SINGLE PLAYER KNEW how to fight rhinos let alone that the class even existed. I mean as players who PvP our best advantages was knowing the simplest things about our opponents class, like what blind does to your hit or what to do if stunned by hs. Yet of a player base well past exceeding 100 during 100 cap not a single player could tell me what rhinos buffs and heal was called.

When i showed my guildies and explained how to counter, what rhinos buffs are, best timing to land combos, you know the simples stuff, they started to see what rhinos truly were, a bad class that only had 3 attack skills, 4 if you count rhino might that does no damage, and 1 of them was nerfed. You had that entire cap to actually learn and adapt yet you didn't, you chose not to. Over time the more people played against rhino the better they got at beating them.

Yet in the end you and jen gave rhinos their second nerf. Then 105 hits and we have a completely broken dex set thanks to bow being 13 meters and having a stupid op proc, and what did you do? You blamed it on rhinos....WHILE YOU YOURSELF MAINED A DEX MAGE. Hypocrisy at it's height here. Dex mages was far superior than dex rhinos but did you care? Nah you and jen went and got rhinos nerfed a 3rd time. Now you're asking for a fourth. 105 cap was dominated by 98% procs 1% luck 1% skill and we all knew it.

This has been a pattern with you for the last 2 years.