Quote Originally Posted by Kakashis View Post
As much as I feel bad for all the SnS owners or people that just bought the egg for 100m+, I feel as if it's in the right direction for the game to allow more crafting options into certain items. In this case, this will spark interest in running elites again which is awesome for farmers like myself! Also, until we actually try the pet in action, there's no saying if it's going to be OP or not. The same was said about Singe, nightshade, SnS, but Samael owners still held their own in pvp against such new pets! If anything, STS have said they wanted to normalize Arcane pets so that you don't have to have the must have pet, so I'm sure some balancing and buffing will ensue should they all still drop from crates.

Anything to spark interest in elites I'm always going to vote for. Perhaps a little too soon after SnS, but it's in the right direction for the game overall! Didn't get your Samael and got the cappy Singe in crate? Craft it better! Got the maul when it's about to be expired? Run some elites and bring it back to life! Hammer jaw not OP enough? Run some elites during shark week to craft a robot with lasers version in elites! It's going to be awesome!
So you want to increase interest in elites at the expense of others. When are player classes going to stop thinking the only way to succeed is to nerf someone else? Elite running players want to make it so the lazy arse PvP players need to work harder. PvP players want to make it so the mooching arse PvE players support the game. The players with less then 1M want to nerf the players with over a million so they can afford old Mythics. The players with 1-20M want to nerf the players with over 20M so they can afford new Mythics. The players with over 20M want to nerf the players with over 100M so they can afford the ring.
Now all this blatant lobbying to STS get what they want ( ALL GROUPS) would not be a problem is STS didn't have a lets just go with the vocal minority over the silent majority attitude. What happened to the data mining they were so proud of? How did they go back to listening to the forums instead of trusting what the data was telling them??