Quote Originally Posted by Monofilament View Post
You were offline so how can I get the screenshot?
You're the clown here actually. And stop being miserable liar because I joined your guild since you were 16 on LB and stayed till the very end. My first and last guild.

I don't need your attention nor mercy but stop telling lies that I am a hopper when your officers leave guild few times a week.

You spammed me for help to be doorer to get on the LB lol even tho I didn't knew how that work.
Now all of sudden I am useless clown because I left your guild? Huh? Lmao.
Y'all really don't have a life. I am done reacting to your lies and false accusations.

Gotcha. You just said you even try to contact me but i did not answer. Now im offline? Which is which?
Spammed you for doorer? Didn’t you blindparty me a lot of times to try that map and I even called you out in gc?
Stop being a liar mono and being a crybaby,.

Yeah beware people coz i dont tolerate guildhopper like mono. So yes im done with you.

Thanks for trashing our Guild thread. You really have some good manners in you. Lol