Quote Originally Posted by Physiologic View Post
PL is originally only supposed to be a PvE game, the devs only released PvP because a lot of players asked for it. Trying to apply PvE mechanics into PvP is like doing this:

PvP in PL will ALWAYS, always be flawed to a large extent, unless a complete overhaul is done so that PvE AND PvP mechanics are taken into account hand-in-hand. At the current rate, every global (e.g. GCD) and individual (e.g. skill damage) change will shift PvP balance in favor for one type of class. When I think of balance, there absolutely cannot be one build or class that outperforms another build or another class. Blizzard's Starcraft series is a perfect example of this, as a seasoned veteran can defeat any race with any race - but bringing in Starcraft into this argument is moot since Starcraft is driven on a PvP engine. Birds reigned supreme before GCD and now dex mages are top. There can be no argument as to how to make PvP "better" in any way. Many skills need to be scrapped and redesigned as well as innate game mechanics, like how mage skills fire faster with the GCD, and formula changes as well (hit%, crit, armor, dodge calculations). It sucks bears have to deal with one "chance" to do damage otherwise they are dead - there is clearly a flaw with a bear's inherent hit% in this case that must be adjusted for PvP, or else it will always be unfair for this class.

Unless there's an overhaul in nearly every aspect of every class in PL, I will be expecting more of these "______ owns PvP" threads in the future.

Nice picture.
Hmm, but I am just wondering, wouldn't it be easier to work on a PvP balance and then adapt the changes to PvE? I mean, to be honest, what is there to PvE? Stick with the team, move forward, nuke mob, move forward, nuke mob, ... move forward, kill boss...My point is that PvP is much more dynamic than PvE, and although the original intention of this game was oriented towards PvE, the introduction of PvP has added so much more to the game.