Quote Originally Posted by eugene9707 View Post
Ya... The change is just changing how loot used to be a rarity up when you have a reroll.

So after the change, rerolling from a legendary does not guarantee a rarity up (legendary to mythic or set)
Incorrect. There is no change.

Even for basic legendary gear farming, since the beginning, you would be constantly rerolling items. The thing is, you only see the reroll message if you actually have a higher rarity item result from your second drop chance. Hence "rerolled FOR BETTER LOOT!" is the message. If it was displaying messages for "player X rerolled!" our chat box would be flooded beyond belief.

You can, and always have been able to, reroll from a common item up to a legendary. It never has been just one tier up.

The only change is now there is a higher tier than legendary to possibly loot.

Before, if your original loot drop was a legendary, you would not see a reroll message because there was no higher tier item to drop.

Now, we can loot stuff higher than legendary tier. If we reroll and get the set tier item, that doesn't automatically mean we rerolled from a legendary item. It could have been a green/rare item.

As it was stated: rerolling just means you get a chance at another drop, and the game gives you the higher tier one of the two drops.
As a result, you see the reroll message much less than you are actually rerolling, since it only appears if something better drops.

You otherwise would see a message once for every 4 mobs killed with a 25% reroll elixir on. Think for a moment...a party of four, all with 25% reroll. That would mean one reroll every time a monster is slain. Obviously, we have never played and seen a reroll message for every mob slain.

Hence, we can confirm there hasn't been any change in how loot reroll works. It has always been a second drop chance and you get the better of the two tiers.