nice ideas there from energizeric, but i have some comments regarding in making scaled gears to be only farmable by characters on that level

the idea is definitely good, encouraging players to enjoy all possible gaming experience they can, and as a side effect, will make lower level brackets filled with players, making it easier for new players by getting helps from veterans without the need to ask/beg. but in AL, the cost of creating alts is no different than creating another main character, thanks to pets, and it probably takes around 40% of the cost, both gold and time. so eventually, some players will ended up thinking their twink as their 'main'. then, this could lead to another problem, forcing developers to update content which can be enjoyable by each of the players' main character. and more problem to come when the content lead to unfair competition between lower leveled main and capped main, just like in gauntlets and regular energy-based events, where lower leveled main have advantage over capped main.

so before encouraging players to make alts, there are many things that need to be reconsidered with making alts in AL, especially in pets