Genuinely curious here, not trash talking or disparaging the server admins, but is the 5.2M energy essence cleanup script responsible for the sudden re-increase of latency in the game? After last week's update (January 11, 2018) up until about last night (January 16, 2018) at around 18:30 pacific, 21:30 eastern, ping was reduced by approximately 33% across the board - as measured by the ping indicator on my hud, and anecdotally via my friends in game. This can also be seen reflected in all the new leaderboard times that spontaneously came about after the update last week (lower ping means faster inputs to the server). However, after last night around 18:30 pacific, the server started going back to its usual 33% higher ping. This isn't a huge issue except for the case where the ping stays permanently at the higher number, if that's the case, there are a number of leaderboard times out now that had the advantage of the lower ping, and if the server now remains higher than before, times are literally unbeatable, even by those who set them. If this is not the case, I ask that the admins check what activity is/was causing this strange consistently lower ping this past week, because i would love to have a snappier responding game, and I have to imagine Leaderboard runners who didn't get the advantage of the few days where ping was better would like some maps to be at least a possibility to beat.
