Quote Originally Posted by Vladrac View Post
Wither, Leech, and Decay can be highly valuable weapons amongst Engineering technology. Wither and Leech are sometimes regarded as nearly useless in environments that contain weak enemies which die fast. Decay has always been regarded as the MVP of the three mainly due to its armor debuff.

Personally, I have not had much experience with Wither and Leech up until the UC military general began recruiting soldiers of fortune in order to save the UC's valuable Shipyard. Then I learned something in which I deem as must-know information...

All three of the engineer's damage over time skills inflict its first tick of damage directly upon impact!

Just this tiny bit of factual knowledge played a key role in effectively and quickly burning through SY2: Biosphere in my quest for the level cap. I basically had 3 more instant cast skills that I could time in conjunction with my pistol/gloves in order to kill single target foes super fast.

I do feel a bit stupid not knowing this before SY was released, so I would like to share this info with any other engineer out there who also was unaware.
So unfair, Ops DOT's do not hit on the first strike (I think this is a bug).