Quote Originally Posted by mike1298 View Post
Really? What has this game come to? I take a break for a few months and come back to ignorant players. First thing. WHAT IS WITH YOU NEW BREED OF PLAYERS?

Do NOT kick for reasons as. "Your help is no longer needed noob" "Haha I r so cool" "ajbklas" "NOOB"... STOP. Kick for a good reason and stop making yourself look like an immature kid.

What is up with the new vol. campaign and the new breed of "Screw the game up for everybody else" type of person? I can't play one pug without some idiot messing it up on purpose. Blowing up mines just to kill everyone, luring monsters to you and then leaving the group. Getting the boss to 1/10 HP, luring her to reset, and then leave the party. STOP STOP STOP STOP STOP.

And with PvP. Coming into a game, rushing you, and logging out before they die. THEN joining the game and repeating. I can't play any PvP game without this happening. ...

I could go on forever! None of this helps with the game. The immature player base and the Greed that STS is developing is really leading me to quit. It's really sad seeing the game go downhill. And I actually can not wait for WoM to be released.

So do you all notice this / or feel this way? I'm probably going to be quitting. I miss the "older" days, a few months back.

Also in the title. When I say noobs, I mean ignorant, immature players.

My characters: Operative, Engineer, Alien, Gasmask, Vular, Farms
Seems you are often right.

But... The folks here haven in mind to have you tolerate everyone, so I suppose you just have to put up with it, put on your best Man Smile and keep strutting.

Haters gonna hate, right?