Saying go is for a fair fight when both of you are buffed and ready. Rushing is like in real life waiting for someone to turn their back then you start fighting them. I personally don't care if you rush just know that I'll continue rushing you, but as with most rushers(not all) will not fair out and call up their buddies to come and team on you. That's where I draw the line if it takes 2-3 even 4 other people to come in and team on someone in my books you are no pro. If you can't fight 1v1 and need help to take someone down you are not fighting fair. No their is no rules to pvp, but I say if you want respect and be known as a good pvper you should be able to handle yourself. I have no respect for a couple of pvpers whose names ill leave out, but the reason I don't respect them is every time I did kill them fair 1v1 there ends up 2-3 people join all on his team and team up. Also when you rush and I rush back kill you and someone says no rushing and you decide to say I rushed you, your making a excuse for yourself to continue rushing and also to make it sound like your the victim, when you know you rushed first. My other complaint is all this garbage pvpers talk, it's pixels for gods sake and some people believe it or not play pvp just to play and don't care about kdr. Then we have to listen to the oldest insult I've ever heard"noob" or you suck and blah blah blah. Ok you can kill me congrats, what do you want a cookie? You killed me or I kill you gf offer tips etc. And make pvp more fun instead turning into a trash talking garbage fest. We don't need that in pl it ruins peoples enjoyment of playing. Maybe that person your trying to insult has had the worse day imaginable and they come to play pl and take a break just to hear more insults. People are saying these knew weps are ruining pvp when in fact there are players doing more damage to pvp then a unbalanced pvp system.. End rant