Quote Originally Posted by Mcpastry View Post
What were the prices of the Mash Elites when they were first released, since they are already starting to rise and it hasnt even become discontinued yet.
Elites were priced at gold cap+ (around 10-20mil) when they were first released since it was a VERY low drop rate.
Then the patch came that made the elites much easier to loot.
From there, prices dropped from above cap, through below and down to 4-5mil in a single night.
Within the next 12 hours, prices then stabilized at roughly 1-2mil for Marlin and Twister and 2-3mil for Blaster.

When they were announced "discontinued" prices started to increase, which is where we are today.
As I said in my quote to Kaytar's response....
-Elite prices WILL rise, since unlike Black Dragon, there is NOTHING ATM that is more powerful than a Mystery Mash Elite weapon, thus making it "top dog", whereas the Black Dragon is still a bit overshadowed by the Humania Crafted Sand sets.