OK, so I registered to this page JUST to comment on this thread in particular. I am currently doing this same exact thing to my character. I'm new to these types of games but I get how to play. . . bears are first in and gotta just smash the crap outta everyone without bringing all the enemies towards the distances fighting guys or whatever. This build really is fun if you like pressing alotta buttons REALLY fast...it's the only way it can work. So far I've been pretty successful at progressing through the game.
Str 7
Dex 71
Int 126
Hit 93%
crit 11
Dog 5
Helth 604
Reg 4
Mana 463
Reg 10
Dam 98-114
Dps 88
Arm 40

That's with my armor and weapons. . . .I'm really not sure what all of those stats mean BUT. . . .I know I'm killing ALOT of enemy and keeping them away from the bows and wands. That is all....