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    Default [Guide] Noob's guide to Planar Tomb

    just another guide for newbies :P
    without discrediting previous pro guides, i'd like to make another simple guide, in view point of me, as a legendary gears users

    currently will do tomb 3 first

    there 4 phase in doing tomb 3 maps (and some other maps, i think)
    1. parking
    2. fight while parking
    3. mobs fight
    4. boss fight

    but before going to that, let's review the requirement first

    1. Gear Requirements
    2. Skill Requirements
      1. Warrior
        1. Chest Splitter (+ 1st and 4th upgrade)
          main taunting skills, and boss' debuff
        2. Windmill (+ 1st, 2nd, and 4th upgrade, optionally with 2nd)
          secondary taunting skill, and snare boss
        3. Rally Cry (+ 1st and 4th upgrade)
          merely parking tools
        4. Horn of Renew (+ all upgrade)
          tertiary taunting skill and survival skill, as you may know already, allies that got healed by you, if seen by mobs, will go to you instead
        5. Vengeful Blood (optional, + all upgrade)
          offensive skill!
        6. Skyward Smash (optional, + 1st and 2nd)
          offensive skill, for mobs

      2. Rogue
        1. Noxious Bolt (+ 1st, 2nd, and 3rd upgrade)
          secondary offensive skill, main taunting skill, DoT attract enemies more or less equal to taunt @_@, charge it when doing mobs, and no charge for single target, mainly use to help keeping aggro on you, to save mage
        2. Aimed Shot (+ all upgrade)
          main offensive skills
        3. Shadow Pierce (optional, no upgrade)
          tertiary offensive skill, combo, not recommended when attacking mobs while they are aggro-ed by your nox's DoT
        4. Razor Shield (optional, + 1st and 3rd upgrade)
          main survival skill, additional dodge, use it in tandem with veil, when waiting for veil's cooldown
        5. Entangling Trap (optional, + 1st and 3rd upgrade)
          main crowd control skill
        6. Shadow Veil (optional, + 1st, 3rd, and 4th upgrade)
          secondary survival skill

      3. Sorcerer
        1. Frost Bolt (+ 1st and 2nd upgrade)
          main disabling skill, works on unshielded skeletons, wolves, and vines, keep close with mobs when casting charged ice, to do sure-6-mobs-freeze
        2. Fireball (+ 1st, 3rd, and 4th upgrade)
          tertiary disabling skill, main debuff skill, works on unshielded skeletons and wolves, reduce hit% on bosses and disable-immune mobs
        3. Time Shift (+ 4th upgrade, optionally 1st, 2nd, and 3rd)
          secondary disabling skill, works on every enemies and boss in tomb 3
        4. Lightning Strike (optional, + 1st and 3rd upgrade)
          main offensive skill
        5. Gale Force (optional, + 3rd upgrade)
          survival and RRRUUUNNNing skill, and 4th disabling skill, try to use it to corner mobs into walls

    3. Pet Requirements
      1. Kelvin
        for a party with tank, to cancel boss' bombing skill
      2. Blinky
        slowing boss, preferably to be lvl 35 at least to make its normal attack to not missing too much
      3. Breeze (Optional)
        additional crowd control for mobs, preferably to be lvl 35 at least to make its normal attack to not missing too much

    4. Parking phase


      all classes can do the parking job, with certain speed pet, namely scorch, abaddon, and shiloh
      your goal is to attract all giants along the route to the boss, and bring them to the parking spot (look at the map), and die there
      as for note, the most dangerous enemy along the way is the wolves, that can make you slowed down and die before you reach the parking spot, for that,
      1. Warrior
        warrior, heal, rally cry, vb, and also windmill's snare will help, if you have speed pet, you might not need rally cry (people dislike the skill)
      2. Rogue
        rogue need to wish her luck on dodge, and razor shield's dodge, and trap's snare to keep survive
      3. Sorcerer
        mage need to keep speed at the highest when encountering wolves and drop clock, fireball stun, or ice freeze before they can reach you

    5. Fight while parking phase
      at this point you are waiting for someone to park it for you, and, you can kill around 8 enemies before the parker return, you can fight in 1st and 2nd point slowly, and keep surviving, at this time, the most dangerous enemy is the one single necromancer,

      1. Warrior
        tank can help just by CS-ing mobs, especially necromancer
      2. Rogue
        keep rogue aggro on mobs by noxing enemies, charge if it is grouped than one, and keep range OR rogue can help disabling necromancer with planar knives, don't charge nox if you plan to use planar knives when fighting necromancer.
      3. Sorcerer
        mage help disabling enemies necromancer either with magmatic totem, or any disabling pet (kelvin, breeze, yowie, and slag are working), and freeze, clock, fireball for vines and skeletons, fortunately no shielded skeletons on this phase

    6. Mobs fight
      1. Warrior
        taunt as many enemies as you can, and if possible try to group mobs, by encircling mobs, and attacking outside of encircled grouped mobs
      2. Rogue
        aggro on mobs by noxing enemies, charge if it is grouped more than one, and keep range, suggested attack patter will be: charge nox, attack, aimed shot, attack, attack, repeat
        and drop trap/veil sometimes, pierce on single enemy, and try encircling mobs while spreading your nox.
      3. Sorcerer
        keep trying do the ice trick (cast charged ice very close to the enemies) as your main priority, combine with clock, fireball, and gale, when facing group of enemies which mostly can't be disable, take range, and stop doing ice trick, instead, drop clock to keep perimeter with mobs (especially at 6th fight point, refer to the map)

    7. Boss fight
      there are many ways to fight the boss, but in almost all of those ways, killing vines should take priority, as it can overwhelm you by quantity, and can disrupt stun+cancel the boss. but the most recommended way by me is to divide group into two groups, one keep boss close to them, and near the end of the bridge, and the other group control and kill vines as priority near the throne.

      as for the boss' pattern he has several type of attack:
      1. normal attack from close range
        can 1 hit mage or rogue... be carefull, take range
      2. throw something to stun you
        if you kite long enough, you might see him not successfully casting it at all
      3. throw something to slow you
        same as above explanation
      4. charge forward with warning zone
        can instant kill even warrior, but not warrior with bulwark (thank you Ssnndn of Elite Runner, will wait you to come back)
      5. the bomb
        arguably the most dangerous attack he can do, he casts it periodically at around 17-18 seconds each, he starts by making a red circle warning, and do damaging waves 5 times, and drop bombs to two targets several times, depending on how often you hit by the waves, and spawn vines (vines start spawning at the end of the 2nd cast)

        luckily there are two known ways of cancelling the bomb rain (waves can't be cancelled):
        1. stay completely out from the waves
          kind of impossible to be done with a group with a warrior in it, and beware, with some lag, you might get inside the waves before you realize, start keeping very far from the red warning phase, and start getting closer carefully to attack, or just run far-far away
        2. stun using kelvin at the red circle warning
          the period where you need to stun the boss is arguably very short T_T, (just like tomb 2 boss' curse), which is after he start giving red circle warning, and before he does the first wave, but fortunately it is done periodically, and similar to kelvin's AA cooldown (16s), so whenever your kelvin start cooldown, be prepared for the next time he casts it

        if by accident bomb starting to fall down, there is a tips for it to relatively easily dodge the bombs: by hugging the walls, just like how poison pools spawning in arena, it is impossible for bombs to be dropped at the edge of wall as its center point, so bombs won't drop at your standing point if you hug walls, just be sure to spread yourself within allies, because of definite lag, it will be impossible to you to run together to avoid bombs (someone will almost always lags behind, and getting hit by bombs), refer picture below for easier explanation


      1. boss group
        whatever your group consist of, it is always better to keep your fight far away from the vines spawn area which is the area near the throne. refer picture below for recommended boss fight point


        1. Warrior-Rogue
          warrior should use kelvin to cancel the bomb rain, and keep CS-ing it, when the red warning start, stun with kelvin, charge windmill, attack, CS, charge heal, attack, CS, attack, attack, this combo can help you to keep boss very close to you, the problem happens when you're lagging, and CS starting to hit air, and strange cases where the boss constantly goes somewhere else (like how giants from far away start to get to someone else at spawn point when you try to remap, possibly aggro-ed by 'strong aura' of that person, idk, still mystery for me, possibly arcane/mythic items, hmmm).
          rogue, shall help keeping aggro by noxing and take range, and use blinky to support controlling the boss.
        2. Warrior-Sorcerer
          warrior's task is same as above, sorcerer shall take range, help control boss by time shift, because of definite lags, i always found that when the animation of 4th and 5th wave shown on my screen, the damage actually doesn't get to me, so start getting close after the 3rd wave shown (probably differs by your network) and drop clock to the boss.
        3. Other Combination
          if you're running with 3 person, and no tank, blinky is the utmost necessity to help controlling boss, and the 3rd person should support killing vines when the the vines starting to spawn more than 2. or don't bother stunning the boss, keep taking range with help of blinky, and focus on killing vines + survive

      2. vines group
        your goal is to kill the vines ASAP
        1. Warrior-Rogue
          vines will end up overflown, but no problem since there is warrior there, to keep aggro, and survive, rogue shall do nox charge-normal AS-attack in between combo
        2. Warrior-Sorcerer
          vines will also end up overflown, but again no problem since there is warrior there, a staff will be preferred here, other than gun especially magmatic to group it, and do ice trick + clock
        3. Rogue-Sorcerer
          preferred and safe combo, damage + disable
        4. Rogue-Rogue
          fast kill combo, damage + damage
        5. Sorcerer-Sorcerer
          overly disabling combo, too safe, a bit slow
        6. Other Combination
          see above notice

    8. Special Thanks

      1. Blipz of Elite Runner
        an experimentation friend, help me spent ankhs together just for pattern observing, arguably one of my best friend in ER
      2. Hallween of Elite Runner
        also one of the first experimentation friend, recently joined us on ER :P
      3. Imhotepx of Elite Runner
        an experienced runner, shown me a lot of minimalist mob killing pattern
      4. Starkinea of Elite Runner
        an experienced runner, shown me another way to cancel stun (by completely out of the waves' range)
      5. Ssnndn of Elite Runner
        a retired-i-hope-to-come-back soon running friend, also lent me his gears
      6. Serancha of Phoenix
        the first writer of tomb 3 guide
      7. Just'who'hell

    last word, please join us at ER, we (read: 'I') need you here, also will add another noob's guide of tomb1/tomb2 if possible, and arena
    Last edited by extrapayah; 03-02-2015 at 10:30 AM.
    always milking, no service
    AL IGN: Extrapayah/Extraparah/Extrajelek
    Support Shared Pet Stable Please!

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