Quote Originally Posted by TwinkTastical View Post
First off, youll never be a mod, its true.

Second, if you cant take a cuss word, gtfo MMOs.

No one gives a damn about cussing, it never hurt anyone, cuss words were made by people who needed somthing to bitch about, because whenever they bitched they got a kind "shut the **** up" Which is the origon of the EFF Bomb.
Yeah I can see now that your a selfish git and no. I will not get of here I play this game who are you to tell me to get off this game? The thing is this post
Wasn't far me there was someone in the game saying I have children that play this game and I don't want them seeing this because 2 idiots were running round swearing and cursing so your sayings
That's ok ? Well I pity you then