Honestly, I disagree that tank bears will own bow bears. So far, the only time I have been killed by a tank bear is when I have either lagged badly, or my health is seriously low from killing one or two others and THEN a tank bear jumps me. Their melée is their downfall... even with beckon, as soon as we are close enough for melée, I SMS and stomp. Now the tank is out of range to attack me, and stunned. By the time his stun wears off, SMS and stomp are up again; rinse, repeat.

I have killed a number of tank bears with my bow bear thus far. Difficult? Yes... they take FOREVER to drop. But they still drop, and are very little threat as far as damage to me. Where the problem usually comes is, if I take my time to focus on killing a tank bear, their buddies have plenty of time to rush me from the sides. Then I have to break off and deal with them, or get killed by the archers/enchantresses who CAN damage me.

At the moment, I think bow bears are the PVP kings if played right. They have more survivability than birds or archers, and with iron blood and evasion up, are almost untouchable during that window. They also have the range and skill set to immobilize other bears, making them pointless as well. On top of that, they have awesome DPS (especially raged), range to launch that DPS, skills that give damage spikes with short recasts on them, and those same skills immobilize and control movement.

Yeah, bow bears take the field.