Quote Originally Posted by Ravager View Post
Could you guys allow mapping from one PvP zone to another? Rather than going to PvP, warp to town, then go to the other PvP zone.

My issue with the builds right now is that whenever I'm in pve, I stày pve build for a few weeks. Mostly due to the fact that with skill mastery, the PvP and pve builds are very different now. Last season if pve was empty, I would go to PvP or vice versa. Now, if pve is empty, rather than PvP, I simply log off although I would prefer to continue playing. Not going to get slaughtered in my pve build. One of the reasons I was hoping skill loadouts would not cost.
Yes, I brought this up as well. The variety offered by skill mastery effectively forces mages and tanks, maybe even rogues too to choose between the two major aspects of the game. I was hoping we could have 2 skill load outs and changing between the two be free of costs. Changing one of them could cost 10 plat or 2 respec scrolls to compensate for the loss of plat consumption caused by this.