Quote Originally Posted by elite.runners View Post

Greetings fellow Alorians and loyal guildmates from ER! As a bringer of usually positive news, unfortunately today I can say with the greatest regret that ER has decided that it has come full circle to what appears as an ending of sorts. It wasn’t an easy decision amongst oficers, and many alternatives were already taken into consideration. We as a guild have persevered through Elites true to our name, terrible economies, and unreachable Arcane items. Throughout time, we’ve formed many bonds of friendships amongst ourselves as well as with other guilds.

Due to our high standards of recruitment followed by less than true Elite maps to actually farm after, member activity has been on a steady decline leaving few active players online at any given time and parties were exceptionally difficult to form. Additionally, many life changes as well as personal choices within the game or in real life have taken a toll on even our oldest Veterans within the guild. If they haven’t already retired, certainly seeing a lack of people to run with would push them to do so.

Fret not, we have a contingency plan! It wasn’t an easy one, but what we thought would be best and most fair to our still active players would to be a guild merge. I know, “Why not just rebuild our guild with new members” you say? Well, in a way we are! Only that it’s a reverse way of thinking and we would be the new members to another guild! After thoughtful searching, we have selected Enigmatic for our new home as their philosophy of farming is most reflective of our own. They have been more than kind to welcome us all with open arms! Positions are still being discussed to aid in the smoothest hiatus of our guild. It is our hope that every member, recruiter, and officer will join in with our relocation such that we can form full parties at any given time again.

Now that that’s out of the way, it wouldn’t be right not to have a few special mentions about the leaders and history of our guild! ER was originally founded by Ruff for one basic reason: To run Elite mode where most other players had avoided because it was next to impossible. Alrisaia took over 6 months after and basically started the Bible on farming elites. I still remember her great blender technique! Queenotshade for taking over and running many successful contests! Extrapayah for running the guild and hosting challenges! Trollkille for managing and making tough decisions during our darkest days. Although never a guild master, Kalizz proved to be DEV level who finished writing that Elite Bible and made us farm it everyday for a month. Evidence that ER will live on forever will be through the Elite Journeyman vanity as well as Elite Runner Chests.

ER coming full circle is far from being the end. If anything it is the start of something new and if running the hardest maps has taught us anything, it’s to always keep evolving and adapting to even the greatest challenges.

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We have official LINE group for members!
Contact officers/recruiters for invitation
I wish you all best of luck in your new journey! ER was my home for 3 years, it still kinda is and I plan to be idle in this guild for ever
Make us proud!
Miss you all