Noobs who don't understand the game and have no intention of playing it long term are the main ones who beg for gold. I don't see the point in giving them it, if I am going to give gold away to anyone I would prefer to give to someone who will appreciate it!

If I am doing boss farming and get a decent pink someone in my group can use I will often offer to swap for the drop they got. Recently I was doing some quests in AO3 and I was having some trouble with OL. A lvl 55 bird came along and killed him solo. I asked if there was anything I could do to help and he said 'stay back' lol so I did. He got a rubbish drop and I got a decent pink, which I gave him for free. Thought it was only fair since he did all the work but he seemed genuinely surprised. I think good community spirit should shine through and more people should do things like that. It's not like it was any use to me. Sure I could have made some gold selling it but I can make gold other ways too so who cares lol.

Then I was doing sandstone quests on my bear and killed one of the bosses (can't remember which one) and I got a pink. One of the party (party was all lvl 25-30 except me) asked me if he could buy it cos he had been desperately trying to get one and couldn't afford to buy it. I can't even remember what the item was now lol but I checked CS, there was 5 and the cheapest one was 28k. I said he could have it at discount since he was in group and I sold him it for 20k. 2 mins later he is standing at CS shouting selling the item for 25k lol. That kind of thing irritates me but I try not to let it get to me.

I actually hate FH so much cos every time I go there I get friend requests and pm's begging for money. Only reason to go there is to buy pots anyway so I just go with my storage char and buy a couple of thousand at a time then put them in stash so any of my chars can get from there as and when I need them