Quote Originally Posted by ratava:315315
Awesome, thanks for sharing your views, so true that a good Tank is very useful but hard to master?

But let me try to be antagonistic for sec, the way I see it is that the problem is that PL and guess SL/*L/B* (!) is very "pick-up-n-play" friendly so group trinity needs to be more flexible ie not restrictive because:

1. You could have no tank class in a pug.
2. Jumble of classes needs to be workable at least if not optimal
3. Some players will not be so aware of the Trinity roles and so some lee-way needed if players want to role a class for the rp/non-mechanic aspect of the class eg cool looking, selection of gear & maybe a story in *L etc.
4. Solo play is always important if your friends are not online/you feel like a single-player experience for a break or farming etc.
5. PvP only has 3 classes so for it to have depth need to make all classes rock-paper-scissors to make it more interesting for team-work or at least T = H = D with different playstyles so it's even and about know our class inside out to win...
MMO groups have always need 4 things.
1. Tank
2. Healer
3. Crowd Control
4. DPS

In PL we only have 3 "classes" to fill these roles, so there has to be double duty. I was really excited to see the bear have the crowd control and taunt. It was a slightly new way to tank rather than spam taunt and threat building skills. The let down was that tanking just isn't vital.
Because of the fact that every class can fill multiple roles, pick-up groups are easy. It would be nice to have a ready made group you run with every night...and im sure there's a lot of you that do, but its just as easy to run through a few PUGs until you find a good one.
I'm of the opinion that if groups NEEDED a good tank, good healer, or skilled dps class for every run it would make that friends list we have more important and there would be a tighter community.