Here is how I feel about the spam posts.... If one person can pop their head in and say things like.... For example... ( Ahaha yea me too.) Or (Exactly I Feel the exact same way) or (I was going to say the same exact thing OMG!) or (flaimdude your annoying) THEN THATS WHAT GENERAL DISCUSSION IS FOR! RANDOM A^% S*&^........ General discussion is like a branch of the chat box. I COMMENT in no other place than general discussion. If you are like me well I like you. I feel like I am doing the forum a favor staying in general discussion. It is not like I am running around spamming up the whole STS forum.You do not see me anywhere else. You do not see me everywhere, and I have heard a few of you say it. So.. Get used to seeing me here</\\/>. I pay to play this game. Just as much as you, and possibly a lil more than most of you. For those of you that go around calling my fellow spammers and I out... Well I say you are creating more of a Problem, more of a Scene, more Spam, and more Pointless comments than us poor innocent lil spammers. Don't call me out on my spam, I'll stop threatening you outwitting you and humiliating you in public. Let me be me, and ill let you be sad For those of you that like me... I FLOCKIN LOVE YOU BIRDS, BEARS, AND CHANTERS!!!!!!! I love this game. I love this forum.

p.s. If no one comments on this post.. I will show you the true meaning of spam.......<(be cautious... very very cautious)