I am pushing to 56 before time runs out. I am buying elixirs where work permits. More than once I have seen a non-contributor get a pink drop (like lvl. 55 recipe) while through whole hour of 40 plat 4x run I get little to nothing. I don't have screenshots, STS has logs to know the truth. I kill with good success, I get combos, I don't know what else I need to do.

STS (Sam? You listening?) What am I doing wrong that bad team players are getting pink recipe drops and I, almost halfway through lvl. 55, haven't gotten s**t in sewers?

I have paid in the multiple $100 to play. If you are not trying to encourage NOT paying, you should look at this. I don't want the game dominated by rich people....but this seems like "don't pay here, you won't get anything for it!"

Rant done. I'll thumb's up anyone who actually gives reasonable feedback. Trolls get a different thumb, elsewhere. Not my thumb either.

If you value manners, TOS, protecting kids:
CaeserSalad (lvl 55 mage)