So after about a week of grinding it out, I hit lvl 60 last night/this morning (how ever you view it)

Now what...I mean I know a DUH thing to say would be get lvl 61. Well I don't want to make that a goal because I am tired of leveling and want to take a break from it.

When I look at it, Pocket Legends is a very black-white game. XpRankUp/MakeMoneyFarming.

But I know its not just those two things.

So I guess my question is, what else is there to do in PL? I mean I see people with 3, 4, 5 lvl 55+ accounts why on earth do you have so many 55+ accounts o.o?

And could someone point me in the direction of
A 60-61 PvP guide
A Merchanting guide
A twink guide

Basically I need something to do now in PL.