Hi devs!
I and alot players i know would like to know whats goin on with this!

Well when you equip the full LVL. 65 Orlock 1H. set it has the aura of a Demonic set (flames)!
The new set craft sets are supppose to have the new aura(flashy smoke)!
In Mt. Fang the Forger even has the smoke around him!
Every new craft set (INT. and DEX and 2H. longsword ) has the new aura!
I just bought with all my hard work and earning the new 1H. set and was upset once i have figure out it wasnt!
So have other players and friends i have came across who have figured this out!
Not everyone else is though. some people in there opinion like the flames though (some think its girly) L.O.L!
Well please DEV's can you please give us feedback about this problem "BUG"and please fix this!
Theres alot of dissapointed and hope its not suppose to be like this!
Also i play on Android!
My shield has a plat recipe the rest of the recipes were gold bought!
If this information helps at all!
Thank you so much for your time reading this!
We all hope you can fix this A.S.A.P!
Were looking forward to hearing back from you all soon!
We all thank you once again for our wonderfull collection of M.M.O. games!
Keep up the wonderful work!
Mark (I.G.N. : Lwmark)