Quote Originally Posted by flashbackflip:509080

Hi, Javier and thank you for making the forums safe!

As you might notice, i've been exploring forums and its rules for some time. And more than once i've been asking if i may or may not do smth. And you, as well as BodMaster and other guys helped me to understand ethics of the community - thank you for that! And as you may remember, even when i got scammed i didn't call the name

But this case, i believe, is totally different. I explain - the griefer was not just openly telling the poor GM that he DID it, but he was mocking poor guy making fun of his trust. And also, he was doing this so boldly, that i assume the GM could trust him about being unpunishable.. In this case i decided to risk and get penalty from Sam, but to let you guys to know his IGN, just because i know how hard it is - to assemble guild and then watch as it vanishes member after member on your eyes.. (it happened once with Jedi Council and being just an Officer there i could not kick the kicker, but only typed 'wait,dude, what r u doin? Stop plz' - pathetic feelings, bro)

Any griefer is a serious threat for the in-game ecosystem and while GM might (or might not) write to the support team, this very griefer could slaughter another guild (or two)

So, i think SUCH cases are THE cases to uncover griefers' names here - especially understanding the fact that most GMs are hiring or discussing guild matters in this topic and can be warned and thus, prepared

Ready for the penalty, if my assumptions are wrong

Your true Jedi, Flashbackflip

May the Force be with you

I highly doubt you'll get a penalty, you might just be told not to call out people on forums.

Hey if I knew this happened I would do the same thing! Just you know, rules:/.

Care to do me a favor? Since you where there, email support and tell them the situation. Give a full detailed report on the subject, and there will be consequences for said griefer. No gm will need to worry about him anymore, since punishment is perma ban I believe.

May your force stay with you!

*goes back to the sith side to spy on potential griefers*