*This thread could also belong in Player vs. Player Discussion but I thought I would put it here as technically, I believe it to a be a bug/glitch.

What is it?
Naked Healing is the process of using a heal skill while you have no gear on (naked) so to regen your health and mana faster.

For those who don't know (which would be many), naked healing is a tactic used in PvP. It can be done using any of the 3 classes and is used to to regen your health and mana at a much faster rate. Lately I have run into a few people in game whilst in PvP who have gotten angry whenever I use naked healing. I understand why it may be frustrating as it is a smart tactic that can change the tides in battle. However, it is also a high-risk strategy and I have seen the smarter players often be able to strike when their opponent is naked and instantly kill them.

As it is a tactic used by a fairly small portion of players in PvP in Star Legends I made this thread for a few reasons:
- To inform all players of what it is and how to do it and
- in the case that it is a unintentional bug that the devs would hopefully fix it

How do you do it?
Firstly, you know those quick load-out slots in your inventory? You need to set one of those to your "Nudey" set-up. Simply take off all your gear (vanities don't matter) and then save that as one of your load-out slots. Now, when you are mid-fight in a PvP match and you have been hit by a few attacks from your opponent try and gain some space and hide from your opponent (best to try hide behind a pillar at the opposite side if the map). At this point, open you menu and quickly try and switch to your "Nudey" load-out slot. Once you have done that quickly use your heal skill so that your heath and mana regen increase by a lot. You will notice that your health and mana increase a lot faster than if you were wearing your gear. Wait for your opponent to come back into range or until your heal skill runs out and quickly switch back to your normal PvP gear (preferentially also saved in a quick load-out slot) and continue to fight!

How does it work?
When you take off all your gear you (obviously) lose all the stats and the attributes that those gear possess. More importantly, when you take off your gear you will notice that your health and mana both decrease to their absolute minimum values (around 150). Now, when you use a heal skill your health and mana regen rate increases. Due to the fact that you have signicantly less health and mana when naked compared to when wearing gear, your health and mana are regened a lot faster. Makes sense, right? However, there are obvious downsides to being naked whilst in a PvP battle: your armor is at an absolute minimum (2, I think) so almost any hit from your opponent will kill you in a few shots, so naked healing can only be used whilst out of range.

Was it implemented into the game on purpose?
This question is entirely aimed at the devs. If this is a bug then by all means I wish for it to be fixed as it will put all players on the same level. If it is intentional, or nothing can be done to fix it then I at least hope that this thread helps spread the word about it so that more players know about it and how to do it. I personally think that it brings in a whole new element into PvP. I have had many fights with opponents who also use naked healing and they have been the most interesting and fun fights I have ever had.

Should Naked Healing be removed from the game?
Please answer in the poll above!

- Trollee