The joystick was moved! The new place for it is in a dreadful spot> And every time I take my finger off and try to move again I ALWAYS move the camera(I'm cool with the new camera moving but it's annoying to move it unintentionally) ALSO! The new position makes it so when your thumb is at the top right of the joystick your finger is practically in the middle of the screen D:

Look at all this precious wasted space in blueD: That empty space is what makes my camera move which bugs me=\ Why do this if the space gets blocked by your thumb while moving?*
PLEASE return it to it's rightful spot

The chat is too big or too long. Either way you cant see what was the last thing someone wrote while typing. Also the 'bottom arrow' that scrolls down your chat when you scrolled up is hidden. I circled the a small piece of the bottom arrow on the right & somebody's name BARELY showing on the left.
Last the typing is delayed... It will still type what you write but it wont show untill you stop typing. This is bad for people like me who type fast & make a ton of typos D:


P.s. On iphone...