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    Default Comprehensive bear's guide!

    Hello guys, welcome to my first guide!

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    In this guide, I'll talk about the ways of a bear. There are several ways you can play a bear, Dps / Tank / Supportive! So...
    Let's get started!

    Table of content

    I. Introduction

    II. Stats and styles

    III. The Hybrids

    IV. Skills and Combo

    V. Gears and sets

    VI. Ways of PvP

    VII. Ways of PvE

    VIII. Recommended builds

    IX. Conclusion

    I. Introduction

    " The Ursan are powerful, short-tempered bear-like creatures that love to fight up-close and personal! The Ursan Warrior uses bladed weapons, staves, and can wear heavy armor. " ( taken from Pocket Legends Wiki, which sadly, died ).
    I've decided to make a guide about bears because they're my favorite class in PL. Although I'm using a bird's picture as my Avatar..
    In this guide, I'll share my humble opinion about the bears! Any criticism and feedback is welcome! Remember, don't flame in this thread, thanks!

    II. Stats and Styles

    Okay, for new-comers, there are three attribute for you to choose from, which are Str ( Strength ), Dex ( Dexterity ) and Int ( Intelligence ). Which means, there are at least, three playstyles for each class.

    Str bears

    Str bears are the most common type of bears in PL. A lot of new players choose Str as Str is actually the main attribute of the bears. There are advantages and disadvantages of being a Str bears, so this is how it looks like, if you go pure Str at l76, without any gears/rings on :
    65% hit, 13 Crit, 11 Dodge, 791 Health Pool, 8 Hp regen, 400 Mana Pool, 0 Mana regen, 23-39 Damage, 44 Dps ( Damage per second ), 20 Armor.
    Which means, pure Str bears have : Low hit%, Decent Crit, Good Dodge, High Health Pool, High Hp regen, Low Mana pool, Low Mana regen, Decent Damage and Dps, Good Armor.
    Low hit% is one of the biggest disadvantages of being a Str bear. Low hit% means your attack will miss a lot. In PvP, Pure Str bears are not really effective in PvP ( not so sure about l76 with a Savage set, I still think it kinda sucks though ) as the hit% will skyrocket in the opposite direction if you get debuff hits from a Mage or a Bird, or even a Bear. But, pure Str bears are great tank in PvE as they have a high Health Pool and Hp regen, making them able to take all the damage to their own. One of the bears' skill, Taunt, attracts all the monsters nearby to attack you, while boosting your Dodge%, make Str bears the spines of a team.

    Dex bears

    Dex bears are also quite common, I would say. In low level PvP you'll see Dex bears a lot. Like the Str bears, there are also advantages and disadvantages of being a Dex bear. This is how the stats of a naked pure Dex bear at l76 looks like:
    125 hit%, 13 Crit, 6 Dodge, 604 Health pool, 4 Hp regen, 400 Mana pool, 0 Mp regen, 72-88 Damage, 114 Dps, 11 Armor.
    Which means, pure Dex bears have : High hit%, High Crit, Decent Dodge, Decent Health pool, Decent Hp regen, Low Mana pool, Low Mp regen, Crazily high Damage, Incredibly high Dps for a naked bear and Low Armor.
    Being a Dex bear, you'll deal a whole lot more Damage, and even more with your buff ' Rage '. But in exchange, you lose your high Hp, Hp regen, Dodge and armor. Pure Dex bears are also pretty good in PvE, and because they deal a lot of damage, they'll end up endgame with a kill amount far more than pure Str bears. But they'll also have a higher amount of Death, thanks to their low Armor and Dodge.

    Int bears

    Int bears are supportive bears, and not quite common as it takes skill to be able to efficiently use this kind of bear. I'm not so sure about Int bears as I do not own an Int bear toon. However, here's the stats if you go pure Int at l76:
    103% hit, 9 Crit, 3 Dodge, 604 Health pool, 2 Hp regen, 588 Mana pool, 8 Mana regen, 46-62 Damage, 76 Dps and 1 Armor.
    Judging from these stats, I personally think that this is the weakest kind of bears. They have normal Hit%, Decent Crit, Low Dodge, Decent Health pool, Low Hp regen, High Mana pool, High Mp regen, Normal Damage, Normal Dps and an incredibly, useless 1 Armor.
    I don't see a lot of Int bears, but from what I've heard, they're decent at l35 with a Dark Wand. When Dark Wand procs, they'll use Hellscream for a high debuff combo - Terror. I don't think these bears are any good in PvE, as bears' skills don't require much Mp, and all the debuff and AoE ( area of effect ) skills they have are Stomp, Beckon, Hell Scream.

    III. The Hybrids

    Due to the amount of Attributes available, there are another three types of bears! They're called the hybrids, which are the Dex/Str, Str/Int and the Dex/Int bears. Personally I think Dex/Str works the best for bears. I will post the advantages and disadvantages of each type, the recommended type of gears, the role of each type and the recommended ratio of stat points distribution.

    Advantages and Disadvantages of each type of bears

    Dex/Str Bears

    The most common type of bears seen in Alterra. I would say 95% of the endgame bears belong to this group of bears. The advantages of being this type of bears are as following :
    High Armor, High Hit%, Decent Crit, High Dodge, Decent Hp and Hp regen, High Damage and Dps, High Armor.
    Disadvantages :
    Not much, just low Mp and Mp regen. But as a bear, you do NOT need much Mp/Mp Regen.
    I strongly recommend this type of bears as they're easy to use, powerful and strong and work great in both PvP and PvE!

    Str/Int Bears

    Not quite common. I've seen only a few bears of this type. Anyways, here are the advantages :
    Decent Hit%, Decent Crit, Decent Hp and Hp Regen, Decent Mp and Mp Regen, Decent Armor.
    Disadvantages :
    Low Dodge, low Damage and Dps.
    These bears are good in only their regen. They have good both Hp and Mp regen. I don't recommend using this kind of bears, as Mana Regen doesn't matter much to a bear.

    Int/Dex Bears

    Not quite common too. To be honest I've seen none of these bears, but here's the advantages :
    High Hit%, High Crit, Decent Mp and Mp Regen, High Damage and Dps.
    Disadvantages :
    Low Dodge, Low Hp and Hp regen, Low Armor.
    These bears are only good in their Mp regen, Crit, Hit% and Dps. They're not good in Tanking, so I wouldn't recommend this. :/

    Again, you SHOULD use the Str/Dex build!
    Let's move on to the type of gears!

    Recommended type of gears for each type of bears

    Not much to write for this section. I'll briefly go through the type of gears recommended as in Dex/Int/Str.

    Dex/Str Bears

    From l1-30, use Dex gears! You probably won't dodge much before you get to 35 where you can use Copperhead set, so stick to Dex gears! The mobs don't deal high damage, so you don't have to worry about dying. Just have the proper gears and everything's fine.
    At l30 you can use the Iceberg set or the Shivering set, but you can't use both as the stat requirements are quite high for that level. I would recommend Iceberg set as it gives more Armor, you should know, some Yetis do hit hard.
    After that, stick to Str gears! From 30 all the way to 76, you should use Str gears! They give you high Armor, high Dodge, high Hp and Hp regen. Starting from Alien Oasis the mobs will become more powerful. Be sure to have the proper gear before you go into a dungeon and tank!

    Str/Int Bears

    From l1-30, you should use Int gears for more Damage. At l30, change to Brain-Freeze set or Iceberg set. Then stick to Str sets. I've no experience of playing this type of bears, so nothing much to talk about here.

    Int/Dex Bears

    From l1-30, use Dex gears! Then switch to either Shivering or Brain-Freeze set. I recommend Shivering though. Same like the Str/Int bears, nothing much to talk about. :/

    The roles of the Hybrids

    Nothing much for this topic. I'll just list the roles briefly down here :

    Dex/Str Bears - Damage-Dealers, Tankers, Bosses.
    Str/Int Bears - Supporters, Debuff-ers.
    Dex/Int Bears - Damage-Dealers, Supporters.


    Recommended ratio of stat points distribution

    Same like the roles, I'll just list them down here, no elaborations, sorry. :/

    Dex/Str Bears - 3 points into Dex, 2 into Str. Stop when Str reaches 160, put the rest of your stat points into Dex.
    Str/Int Bears - 3 into Int, 2 into Str. Stop when Str reaches 160, rest into Int. ( For higher Damage and Crit ).
    Dex/ Int Bears - 3 into Dex, 2 into Int. Stop when Int reaches 160, rest into Dex.


    IV. Skills and Combo

    Bears' skills.

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    * From Left < to Right >
    Row 1 - Vengeful Slash ( L2 ), Stomp ( L3 ), Rage ( L4 ), taunt ( L6 ).
    Row 2 - Crippling Slash ( L8 ), Super Mega Slash ( L10 ), Crushing Blow ( L12 ), Restore ( L14 ).
    Row 3 - Iron Blood ( L16 ), Hell Scream ( L18 ), Evasion ( L20 ), Beckon ( L22 ).

    The skill that you'll unlock at Level 4, Rage, is the most powerful Buff of a bear. It boosts your Crit, Damage and Dps, making bears ( especially Dex bears ) a high-damage dealer. Thus, to be a good bear, you must max that skill before any other skills. Other buffs include Taunt, Iron Blood, Evasion. Taunt boosts your Dodge, and is stack-able up to twice. Iron Blood boosts Armor, Evasion boosts Dodge too. Also, there's another skill called Restore that heals you for a pitiful amount of Health, and increases your Hp regen for a while. There are 3 slashes available for a bear, which are Vengeful Slash, Crippling Slash and Super Mega Slash. They're all there to help increase your Dps. Vengeful Slash deals a decent amount of Damage and has a chance to knock back enemy. Crippling Slash has a lower amount of damage, but roots your enemy, making him/her unable to move for a second or two. Super Mega Slash deals a high amount of damage, and has a 90% chance to stun your enemy. The two debuff skills of a bear are Hellscream and Crushing Blow. Hellscream debuffs Damage and hit% while Crushing Blow debuffs Damage and Dodge. Both are useful in PvP. The last two skills of the bears are Beckon and Stomp. Beckon pulls several enemies toward you, while Stomp pushes them back. Stomp has a chance of debuff, lowering the hit% of the enemy. The yellowish smoke that comes out of your enemy indicates the debuff.
    As for the bears' combo, nothing much to talk about. Just Beckon and Stomp afterwards, there goes you SMASH! combo. Some debuff and stuff.

    V. Gears and sets

    Gears are very important as they give you a boost in your stats. Needless to say, the higher level the gears, the better the stats that are given, just like any other RPG/MMORPG. In this section, I will briefly go through the recommended gears for each kind of bears, which include the Str bears, Dex bears and Int bears. Please note that this guild is meant for new players.

    Str bears

    l1-10 - Forest Haven Drops.
    l11-25 - Dark Forest Drops / Dark Forest Pinks / Fathom Crypt Drops. ( Board & Nail, Ironrock Shield, etc. )
    l26-30 - Try to get Crystalline Axe or Sword & Shield set if you have the cash or stick to Fathom Crypt drops.
    l31-43 - Accumulate enough cash for at least an Iceberg weapon. Don't hesitate to spend all your gold on the Iceberg set as it can last until Alien Oasis III. The gold drop in Alien Oasis is pretty decent, so no worries.
    l43-50 - Buy some cheap Alien Oasis pinks or use Green/Purple drops. Plenty of them, so there shouldn't be any problem.
    l50-51 - Rift set recommended. Or stick with Oasis gears until 51.
    l51-56 - Try to get l55 Fury Fighter set or use Orange/Green/Purple drops. Royal Sewer Helm and Plate are also recommended.
    l56-61 - You shouldn't have enough cash for l56 Glyph sets if you don't merch, so use the Green/Purple drops.
    l61-65 - Use Orange/Green/Purple drops until you're l65, then at least get Chiroptera set.
    l65-71 - Most players use Angel sets, but because you're a new player, try to get Humanian's Dream Scimitar and a Bongo.
    l71-76 - Be prepared for the hardest dungeon so far, the Blacksmoke Mountain! It's really hard to level here, so have a lot of pots ready. Green drops recommended unless you have enough cash for l71 Beastly set or pieces.

    Dex bears

    l1-10 - Forest Haven drops.
    l11-25 - Dark Forest Drops / Dark Forest Pinks / Fathom Crypt Drops. ( Jewel Thief's Talon, Recon Bow, etc. )
    l26-30 - Try to get Crystalline Bow set if you have the cash or stick to Fathom Crypt drops.
    l31-43 - Accumulate enough cash for at least a Shivering weapon. Don't hesitate to spend all your gold on the Shivering set as it can last until Alien Oasis III. The gold drop in Alien Oasis is pretty decent, so no worries.
    l43-50 - Buy some cheap Alien Oasis pinks or use Green/Purple drops. Plenty of them, so there shouldn't be any problem.
    l50-51 - Void set recommended. Or stick with Oasis gears until 51.
    l51-56 - Try to get l55 Customized/Raid Roach set or use Orange/Green/Purple drops.
    l56-61 - You shouldn't have enough cash for l56 Glyph sets if you don't merch, so use the Green/Purple drops.
    l61-65 - Use Orange/Green/Purple drops until you're l65, then at least get Chiroptera set.
    l65-71 - Most players use Angel sets, but because you're a new player, try to get Beach Bum Bow.
    l71-76 - Be prepared for the hardest dungeon so far, the Blacksmoke Mountain! It's really hard to level here, so have a lot of pots ready. Green drops recommended unless you have enough cash for l71 Flying set or pieces.

    Int Bears

    l1-10 - Forest Haven drops.
    l11-25 - Dark Forest Drops / Dark Forest Pinks / Fathom Crypt Drops. ( Stormstike Wand, etc. )
    l26-30 - Try to get Crystalline Staff or Wand set if you have the cash or stick to Fathom Crypt drops.
    l31-43 - Accumulate enough cash for at least a Brain-Freeze weapon. Don't hesitate to spend all your gold on the Brain-Freeze set as it can last until Alien Oasis III. The gold drop in Alien Oasis is pretty decent, so no worries.
    l43-50 - Buy some cheap Alien Oasis pinks or use Green/Purple drops. Plenty of them, so there shouldn't be any problem.
    l50-51 - Cosmos set recommended. Or stick with Oasis gears until 51.
    l51-56 - Try to get l55 Mega Mage set or use Orange/Green/Purple drops.
    l56-61 - You shouldn't have enough cash for l56 Glyph sets if you don't merch, so use the Green/Purple drops.
    l61-65 - Use Orange/Green/Purple drops until you're l65, then at least get Chiroptera set.
    l65-71 - Most players use Angel sets, but because you're a new player, try to get Beach Bum Bow.
    l71-76 - Be prepared for the hardest dungeon so far, the Blacksmoke Mountain! It's really hard to level here, so have a lot of pots ready. Green drops recommended unless you have enough cash for the BSM Int set which name I forgot.. :/

    VI. Ways of PvP

    Bears are well known in PvP, from l10-19 all the way to l76. At l10-17, Bears own most of the time. But sadly, these days, Birds tend to be more powerful than bears. I'm not saying every bear's worse than a bird, but when you miss your stomp, it's hard to win as birds dodge most of your Auto Attacks. Anyways, here's a guide for l10-17 which I've made a few months ago on my old account Renovate, I'm posting only the l10-17 Dex Bears' PvP guide as using bears for PvP at that level range is popular. If there's any grammar errors I do apologize.

    " PvP counts on both gears and luck. Gears are really important for PvP , without them you can't even hurt the pro's a little. I'll say that good gears are really expensive. Now , let's start.

    # I strongly recommend buying a plat pack.
    Gears for Lv10-14:
    Lv5 Artisan OR Lv5 Expert OR Lv10 Snipers / Jewel thief's Leather ( From Lv10 Dex Plat 4-Item Pack ) / Dark Forest Leathers ( Would be better if it's pink ) OR Lv10 Pink PJs ( Strength or Dex , up to you ).
    Lv10 Talon from Plat Pack OR Lv10 Duckfoots or tinsels ( If you can't afford a pink one , a purple one will do. ) OR Lv10 5 Plat Bling Flinger.
    Lv10 Snipers or Jewel thief's Helm.
    Lv10 Pink Sled OR Lv10 Snipers / Jewel thief's Wing.

    Different people uses different gears. You should try and see which type of gears are suitable for you. For higher hit% use Sniper's Wing instead of Pink Sled. For higher Crit use Expert instead of Artisan or Sniper's Leather. And for higher DMG and DPS use Duckfoots or Launchers.

    Gears for Lv15-17:
    # You can still use the equipments mentioned above but these gears mentioned below these are better options for l15-17.
    ## Instead of repeating those mentioned above I'll just type those which weren't.

    Lv15 Artisan OR Lv15 Expert.
    Lv15-17 Pink Talons ( depending on your level ) OR Lv15 Tinsels OR Lv15 Launchers OR Lv 15-17 Crossbows.
    Lv10 Sniper's or Jewel thief's helm as either of them gives really good stats at that level.
    Lv15 Peppermint Wings OR Lv15 Gingerbread Defender. ( Get at least the purple version of these or stick to Sniper's Wing. )

    Now to the Builds!

    Before that I must say that RAGE is a must-max skill for Bears. Without them your attacks would be like scratches. Stomp is a must-have too.

    Lv10 Build:
    6 Rage, 2 Stomp, 1 Super Mega Slash ( SMS ).

    Lv11 Build:
    6 Rage, 3 Stomp, 1 SMS.

    Lv12 Build:
    6 Rage, 3 Stomp, 1 SMS, 1 Vengeful Slash ( against other bears, I recommend this one ) OR 1 Crippling Slash ( Good against kiters when they get close )

    Lv13 Build:
    6 Rage, 4 Stomp, 1 SMS, 1 VS / CS.
    6 Rage, 3 Stomp, 1 SMS, 1 VS, 1 CS.
    # With 4 stomp the enemy is more likely to get debuff. With more slashes you'll deal more damage. It's up to you.

    Lv14 Build:
    6 Rage, 5 Stomp, 1 SMS, 1 VS / CS.
    6 Rage, 4 Stomp, 1 SMS, 1 VS, 1 Cs.

    Lv15 Build:
    6 Rage, 6 Stomp, 2 SMS.
    6 Rage, 6 Stomp, 1 SMS, 1 VS / CS.
    6 Rage, 5 Stomp, 1 SMS, 1 VS, 1 CS.

    Lv16 Build:
    6 Rage, 6 Stomp, 2 SMS, 1 VS / CS. ( Offensive Build. )
    6 Rage, 6 Iron Blood, 2 Stomp, 1 SMS. ( Defensive Build. )
    6 Rage, 3 Iron Blood, 3 Stomp, 1 SMS, 1 CS, 1 VS. ( Balanced Build. I don't like it though. )

    Lv17 Build:
    6 Rage, 6 Iron Blood, 3 Stomp, 1 SMS. ( Defensive. )
    6 Rage, 6 Stomp, 2 SMS, 1 VS, 1 CS. ( Offensive. )

    That's about it for builds. Now , strategies!!

    At low lv PvP you'll find that 85% of the pro's are bears and 10% are mages. 5% for Birds as they are the weakest class until at least Lv16.

    Strategies Against Bears.

    Keep this in mind. ALWAYS BUFF RAGE AND IRON BLOOD ( IF YOU HAVE IT ) BEFORE FIGHTING. This is really important and you should buff whenever the cooldown's done. After you and your opposing bear both buffed , walk a little towards your enemy. When you think the range's just right for your stomp , do not fear , just stomp. When you tap or press on the stomp skill you should also tap or press SMS immediately. It'll take some time and experience before you can do a perfect stomp-slash combo but don't give up. If you landed the combo on your enemy first, run to him immediately and spam all the slashes you have. But if your combo missed , try to run a little away from your enemy and wait for stomp and slash to be cooled down. Another thing , always have your auto on!
    For snowball launchers or duckfoot , try to keep the range just nice for you to fire snowballs. Also try not to let talon users auto you. When the freeze proc appears , walk a little close and STOMP! Boom! GG.

    Strategies against Mages.

    Same thing , buff before the fight. If you have Lv15 Snowball Launcher use it against mages. If you don't , you can either use Lv10 Duckfoots or Crossbows. If you want some challenges you can also use talons , I don't recommend it though. Crossbows are Mage Killers. It is really hard to kite Crossbow-ers. It's sort of easy , rage , auto , stomp when you're close enough and GG.

    Strategies against Birds.

    For the birds under Lv16 it's as easy as ABC to kill them. For 16+ Birds , be careful as they already have the cruel blast combo. Normally against birds I'll rush as close as possible to them and spam my skills. I believe this is the best way against birds. They count a lot on luck to dodge and if they ran out of luck , it's your victory. "

    It's a little different as Forgotten Bows weren't out yet. So you should change your weapon to Forgotten Bows. But if you want some challenges, you can always stick to this old guide. I strongly recommend you to go pure Dex if you wish to PvP in the level range of 10 to 17. The same goes to l18-30. It's basically all about Forgotten Bows now, sadly. FB for the win.

    I find people playing PvP at l41-49 the least. At l50, you can try but it's hard against those with Sewer gears or even worse, Glyph. At l51, I recommend you get just enough Str for the pink Str gears at that level ( Royal Sewer, Fury Fighter ) then put the rest Attribute Points into Dex for higher Hit%. At l51-56, Debuff skills are very important. Bears have high armor, dodge and health regen. Str gears bears vs Str gears bears can take really long. For more information, please follow this link to Noodleleg's l51-53 PvP Bear's guide. All credit goes to Noodle for making such an awesome guide! :3
    At l56, you can use Big Top gears. Replace the glyph shield with a Bunny for more armor. The Skill build's basically the same as Noodle's guide except for the fact that you'll put a few points into Restore. Put only 1 point into the three slashes, follow Noodle's build and rest of the points go into Restore. Land debuff on the bears as hard as you can, destroy before getting destroyed!
    Dodge is a very important aspect in the endgame PvP, so you must have the proper gear or you'll be asked to Respawn in a few seconds. At l71, use the Tiki Crusher set and at l75, use the Savage set ( very pricey ) or if you don't have enough cash, a l75 Beastly set will do. Experiences are more important, go out and try to prove yourself worthy!

    VII. Ways of PvE

    Bears are known as the spines of a team. Different role of bears include Debuff, CC ( Crowd Control ), Damage-dealing, tanking, etc. At this section, I'll teach you how to be a good bear in PvE.
    At l1-3, there's nothing much. Kill those mobs with your Longsword/Bow/Staff depend on the type of bear you've chosen to play. At l4, learn Rage for quicker mob clearing. Max Rage before any other skill as it's very important. After maxing your Rage, put two more skill points into Stomp, making it Rank 3. You don't need Taunt before 20, so you can put the skill points into Crushing Blow. Put only 1 skill point into each Slash, do not waste you skill points! Remember, max every single buff first, then it's up to you to max Beckon/Stomp or Hellscream/Crushing Blow ( depend on whether you want to be a Debuff bear or an AoE ( Area of Effect ) bear ).
    At level 22, put at least 2 skill points into Beckon so that you can pull mobs more easily. There's a trick with Beckon Stomp combo, aka Smash. If you stand in the middle of the route and perform the Smash combo, the mobs will be flying in different directions, that's what a Scatter bear does. Believe me, that's not a good thing. You might get booted from the game.
    To perfectly perform the Smash combo, there are a few steps -
    1) Stand next to a wall and Taunt.
    2) When all surrounding mobs are in range, use Beckon to pull them toward you.
    3) Use Hellscream for a 2-3 second stun.
    4) Here's the tricky part : walk away from the mobs until you don't have any " body contacts " with the mobs, then Stomp.
    5) Poof! They'll all be sticking to the wall now. Smash combo performed, you can now move in for your kills or let the Mages/Birds finish the business.

    That's about it for PvP. Remember, teamwork is very important. If you have the proper Str set for the level, don't be afraid to Taunt all the mobs around you and perform the pro Smash combo. Taunt can stack up to twice, boosting your Dodge to 20 maximum. Buff once the cooldown's over. Try to have a full party before you start tanking. Experiences are also important here.

    VIII. Recommended Builds

    For first-timers I recommend you to put 2 points into Dex and one into Str every level. That way you'll have enough Hp to tank, and also enough Hit% to not miss your hits. Stop putting your points into Str once you have around 160 initial Str as that's roughly what you need to equip the l76 Str set. Put all the other points into Dex for higher Dps, Crit and Damage!

    Now it's the recommended skill build! It starts with Lv2 as it's when you unlock your first skill.

    2 - Vengeful Slash
    3 - Stomp
    4 - Rage
    5 - Rage
    6 - Rage
    7 - Rage
    8 - Rage
    9 - Rage
    10 - Stomp
    11 - Stomp
    12 - Super Mega Slash
    13 - Crippling Slash
    14 - Crushing Blow
    15 - Stomp
    16 - Iron Blood
    17 - Iron Blood
    18 - Hellscream
    19 - Hellscream
    20 - Hellscream
    21 - Hellscream
    22 - Beckon
    23 - Beckon
    24 - Beckon
    25 - Hellscream
    26 - Hellscream
    27 - Beckon
    28 - Beckon
    29 - Beckon
    30 - Stomp
    31 - Stomp
    32 - Iron Blood
    33 - Iron Blood
    34 - Iron Blood
    35 - Iron Blood
    36 - Evade
    37 - Evade
    38 - Evade
    39 - Evade
    40 - Evade
    41 - Evade
    42 - Taunt
    43 - Taunt
    44 - Taunt
    45 - Taunt
    46 - Taunt
    47 - Taunt
    48 - Crushing Blow
    49 - Crushing Blow
    50 - Crushing Blow
    51 - Crushing Blow
    52 - Crushing Blow
    53 - Restore

    Now here's the tricky part. You'll need to get to 66 before you can rank your skills up to 9. So I'll recommend you to save all your skill points from here. But it's okay if you want to continues putting points into Slashes and Restore, just make sure to respec when you reach 66.
    Below's where the rest of your skill points should be placed into :

    3 into Rage
    3 into Stomp
    3 into Evade
    3 into Hellscream
    3 into Crushing Blow
    3 into Taunt
    3 into Iron Blood
    2 into Beckon

    So in the end, you should have :

    Maxed Stomp
    Maxed Rage
    Maxed Taunt
    Maxed Crushing Blow
    Maxed Hellscream
    Maxed Iron Blood
    Maxed Evade
    8 Beckon
    1 Restore
    1 Super Mega Slash
    1 Crippling Slash
    1 Vengeful Slash

    Of course, you have the option of not using my build, but I strongly recommend you follow the skills that I've maxed.

    IX. Conclusion

    Wooot! Finally the guide's complete after 2 weeks! I've used no help in this guide, only the part that I've used Noodle's Funky Bear guide for the Ways of PvP section. Bears are powerful beings. If you can control them well, you're able to dominate in the game. Thanks for reading! Any criticism or feedback are more than welcome! Please do tell me if you spot an error in my guide. I wish you luck in playing with your Grizzlies! Cya next time! <3
    Last edited by Rot; 12-22-2013 at 11:58 PM.

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  2. Comprehensive PVP Guide at LVL 55+
    By Sigkill in forum PL Player vs. Player
    Replies: 12
    Last Post: 07-01-2011, 11:42 PM


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