Quote Originally Posted by Renegade View Post
A more logical approach would be to not allow auto attack to be triggered automatically by using 1 skill. This would be a less "riskier" change that I think would change pvp a bit. This would mainly make birds a little less OP. It might seem like a small worthless change, but since I solely pvp on a bird I can for sure tell you that most bird fights end in "2 shots". Really though it is only 1 shot but since auto is triggered automatically, this makes it so birds just need to use 1 skill and still hit auto. If players had to turn on auto manually like it used to be, then it sure would tone down most birds quite a bit. Because most birds don't have the speed to shoot out several skills. They depend on that auto attack triggering on its own. It should be taken out of pvp and the old way brought back. Auto attack required to be turned on manually. It should be kept in pve though, because I am sure it makes it easier for the newer players and is very useful. But from the pvp standpoint, players know what they're doing. So yeah, in closing auto attack should not be triggered automatically by using 1 skill, it should be turned on by the player manually. Only in pvp though.
that was the only thing that could make a bird win against a mage. blast to break shield then auto and blind repulse (all in less than a sec), now I think auto hits first when I press blast and it feels worse than before. I agree with auto beign returned as it was before.