in response to the OP, the problem is that most warriors and rogues do not play as a team. I can play for 3 hours before finding a team that actually sticks together. When I join games all of my team are usually scattered throughout the maze. And if I finally catch up with a warrior or rogue, I am usually unable to even stay close as they leap or jump away from me and I am too slow to keep up. So 90% of my fights are indeed 1-on-1.

As a well skilled mage with top gear, I manage to keep a positive K/D ratio, but I know if I were a rogue I would probably have a 10/1 K/D ratio instead of it just barely being positive.

You say that CTF is a team sport, but I don't see any statistics or leaderboards for that. And since players care about stats and leaderboards, 1-on-1 is where it is. Perhaps if they want CTF to be a team sport, they should make some statistics for that.