Quote Originally Posted by McMaximusMax View Post
In low level pvp if you don't have a forgotten bow your dead. It has completely changed the way low level pvp is played today
Not entirely true; my 20 talon bear can beat all but the best fbow users at that level. The real issue is that new players don't even TRY fighting without fbows; they either assume it's impossible or give it a shot once or twice before returning to their shiny OP bow. I think if people worried a bit less about the numbers on their profile and a bit more about increasing their skills with different weapons, we would have much less of a problem with fbows. Yes, they're extremely overpowered, but they aren't the end of the world. Most people will fight you with your weapon of choice (talon, paw, xbow, etc); only the really new players will insist on an fbow fight.