tell who message
tell who message
i saw someone named rawr in cs
NO just listen... the guy someone saw me take all my gear off and stuff so he waited for me to delete the name, but i didnt know he was stalking me. and i swear im not trolling, why would i even... U can even ask blitz
JK, read it wrong. Ignore this.
was it a lvl 1 bear? casue that would be the scammer...
How did he kno u were deleting, if u were just equipping, there's a piece missin here
i was empeting that char and i guess he saw me take out all my sets near stash so i guess he figured i was deleting the char...
Not only that, but the unknown random person, after obtaining the name Rawr via godly luck, then tells to Rawr's former owner (who is now on a different name in a random town instance), via another godly random guess, thanking that former owner for relinquishing the name.
The new owner should definitely play the lottery. Must be the best guesser in the universe.
Star light, star bright...
Blitz is my cousin... My cousin gave me the name... i was clearing my lv 15 bear with the name rawr and deleting it when so stalker saw me be "naked'. He assumed that i was deleting the char and so he tried to get the name...
u can even ask pie...
why would i be trolling about this...
If I read correctly it wasn't you who rushed but blitz which is why he is saying you rushed him anyway was your risk to delete the name pretty sure you wont be able to get it back.