Ok so i like the idea of farming essence and crafting gems also then binding said gems to the equipment.But i disagree with the ability to buy said essence for plat.Also i do like the the idea of normal gems and superior gems however this is my feedback on this idea. Ok lets say it takes 10 essence to make a normal gem (easily farmable similar to the tombs, the hardest of the days of the dead quests) and 3 normal gems to make a superior gem, thats 30 essence needed per superior gem instead of a chance to make superior gem. This i would support and i like the sounds of. Whereas the system as samhayne has stated says that a gem has a chance to superior bond which when added to the fact that these essences are plat purchasable means that this is just another form of locked grand crate gambling as u are not guaranteed to get the weapon u were expecting when returned from upgrading, it is nothing more than a gamble. That i dont like. This will force all players wishing to have the best gear in the game to almost definitely buy plat in hopes for superior bonding aka gambling in hopes for a superior bond,meaning the days of merching and farming for wealth/the best gear in the game will be long dead. Long live plat users i suppose O.o. Crafting/Upgrading is in my opinion a good way to bring many more hours of play to people searching for those essences as everyone will be wanting to upgrade their gear, unless u let them be bought by store eliminating the need 2 play at all because u can in fact just buy your upgrades. Another thing i would like to see changed is the fact that u have to wait 8 hours to craft the gem and then another 8 hours to upgrade your item,that forces everyone to have two of everything if they plan on playing at all during these times which in my opinion will actually cause less people to play because they are waiting to get back they're upgraded items. Ok quick recap Do not let essence be store bought make essence farmable only, similar to tombs in halloween event. Make superior bonding a guarantee if u accomplish a certain task or collect a certain number of items, and eliminate wait times while crafting/upgrading so players arent forced to have two sets of gear. This is my feedback for now. Samhayne u said that these changes are not set in stone yet..........please consider my concerns and opinions.