Quote Originally Posted by JaytB View Post
Maybe there's some middle ground to be found...

I agree that something needs to be done, even if the person who got scammed has him/her self to blame. It's just too easy and too harsh of a scam to let it be like it is in its current form. There's a big difference between lending an item or lending whatever to achieve AP's. the AP associated with the Midas touch is basically what gives scammers a valid reason to ask you for your hard earned gold.

That said, I also understand that people who spend a lot of plat just for the AP's, shouldn't be 'punished' for people's lack of common sense. Taking away the AP wouldn't be fair to them.

So these are basically the 2 sides to the story as I understood it and personally, I think they are both valid things to consider.

So yeah, although I haven't figured it out (yet?), maybe there might be another solution to this. One less drastic as to remove the AP while simultaneously lowering (or eliminating) the chances to get scammed because of it.

There are many smart people on the forums so I'm positive that we could come up with something that could potentially be a solution for both parties. At least that's what I'll focus on in the rest of my post.

The best I could come up with for the moment (and I saw someone suggest something similar somewhere), is keeping the AP but making you hold the gold for a specific amount of time before it's granted.

One of the problems would be were you need to keep the gold. Do you have to keep it on one character or in stash for a period of time? To me it feels most convenient if we could just have the amount of gold in our account and get the AP granted just once per account, while every character in that account would automatically get the title. This would also prevent people/guilds from just creating a ton of alts in the same account and give them the Midas touch to boost up their total guild AP's.

I do see a problem with having alts in different guilds and which toon should get the AP's for leaderboards purposes, so let's look at the stash option. With this option, you could basically keep all the AP's, but every toon that wants it need to stash 100 mil (minus 1 gold) for a specific period of time before the AP is granted to that character.

Second problem would be the time you'd need to have the gold in your account or your stash. Make it too short, and people will still ask for it, while making it too long could make it too hard for some to ever get there. I was thinking about a week or so before the AP gets granted.

Note that I didn't mention keeping the gold on a character for a longer period of time, because this would just be really inconvenient. You wouldn't be able to receive gold trades, cs sales or liquidation fees for items during the time period you're holding on to the gold.

So yeah, that's just a random possible way of keeping both AP's and lowering chances to scam significantly.

I dare you to do better! (Can't be that hard LOL)
I would be happy for a solution like this even though I don't agree with the AP.

If it is that important to some then fine keep it. Though I have to say that if the argument from the plat spenders side is purely because of the amount they have spent then I would say that this is unfair to those that don't. That being said make it a 0 point AP. Keep the title, and everyone is happy. Why? Because no one should get an achievement for the amount of plat or currency they spend in game. That, if everyone is honest, is ridiculous.

It would be good to hear in stone what the plat spenders reasons are for not wanting to get rid if the AP.

And in answers to a previous post, plat spenders won't stop playing if this is removed. Only a small percentage have obtained the title through this manner, and I'm pretty sure they're not playing the game just to get this title. I spend plat, I keep the game growing, and I enjoy it. This won't stop me from playing, as it does not make my gaming experience worse, in fact, it makes it better.

And whilst I am writing this someone else has been scammed 89 million. See what I mean. Yes it was their fault, yes maybe they shouldn't have been as stupid. But we are HUMAN.

Humanity (virtue), a set of strengths focused on "tending and befriending others"