Quote Originally Posted by Samhayne View Post
The misty veil of the future hides what may be...
Never before have I seen someone make uncertainty sound so epic !!!

I'm genuinely looking forward to the expansion, I can't wait for things to get shaken up again after so long of having the same systems and the same mythics (which don't get me wrong have all been great in their own time) but a game needs to stay interesting and move forward. I'm perfectly happy to have the board reset in terms of mythics, because it gives me something longer term to work towards again and that's what gives the game momentum. This longer term goal which is hopefully attainable but yet just out of reach is essentially what keeps up playing How can we enjoy the new direction and the new content if we are just constantly stuck on the old gear. I'm not gonna lie... there is a LOT of gear from the past that I love the look of but for our nostalgia there are vanities... ^_^ Besides not knowing whats going to happen next is fine... that's sometimes just part of the game and if you play the game... you gotta play the game :P