Quote Originally Posted by sinisterking:1568892
ok so my stats are

i am not really good at ctf and i have more deaths than kills lol i think i need more practice. Anyways im not sure if my stats are good should i make anything higher? For ctf i use the powers dark binding,vermin swarm, fatal burst, and leap. Should i change anything from my stats or my powers? Thanks please leave me some tips on ctf and notes on my stats
You should lower your attack,you need to raise your defense because you need to dodge all attack
Not very effective if you use vermin and dark binding,you should use fatal burst,brimstone,vermin swarm leap/blessing(your choice)
For the death:
1. Always kite from encountering a fire aura user
2. Use charged fatal burst then vermin and then run until fatal burst complete,charged fatal burst again and then leap then vermin
3. If you use charged fatal burst then charged brimstone,you will get alot of kill and ks
Finally,you need to practice about timing.Timing is the key to kill alot