I can understand why STS has set the event up this way. They are going to make some serious plat from the lb chasers. Next event they add mythics to crates plus keep lb prizes. Going to be taking in big bucks.

That being said, I think the energy system is going to put off lots of players. The reason I quit the last game I played was because of this timed system. It becomes far too taxing. Instead of having a countdown give out 3 energy at the beginning of each day. Let us decide when to use it. Then we don't have to get on our devices at certain times(like when we are at work).

Also the token rewards should be obtainable to all players that use their 3 daily energy. I have a feeling this isn't going to be the case. If STS makes people spend plat just to get these token rewards they are going to have people quit this game. I don't mean just ironbite either. If I play every day and use all my free energy I expect to get ironbite, the weapon and the amulet. If this isn't the case I will be very disappointed.

I don't think STS needs to completely rehash the event system. Just make a few minor tweaks.