Quote Originally Posted by Kossi View Post
we still need to make reqs more strict
OR accept everyone and categorize them.
-people with 2+ lv50s, a number of quests, and a solid understanding of PL and rep to boot gets full membership. little to no testing really needed, but to confirm matturity.
-people with a recent first 50, make sure to check skills carefully to see powerleveling signs, or immaturity. if they have good understanding, membership doable. if need work, either ask them to come again, or to join remedial classes*
-people not yet 50 on main char need to either come back later, or enter some mentor program if deemed workable. should check for maturity off the bat to see if worthy. most likely requires a recommendation from member with good rep, and if they recommend they have to train.

remedial classes: includes a little pvp background and stat allocation quizzes. mostly making sure they know the principles of proper rushing, luring, clearing, surviving, and group work. example: how fast can they kill a bear in pvp, try out a lorekeeper solo, and successfully keep with group in a ao2 map 4 rush (no killing) and a ol rush (pots -1 point, if they can be in ol killing with no tank pot then they pass a few steps lol)

this all would require the ordering of the team of course. having assigned trainees and trainer officers needed.