Quote Originally Posted by tarlan View Post
since boosting kills is all the rage
i say sts sells kills in plat store like
100 plat for 1500 pve kills
100 plat for 200 pvp kills
100 plat for 300 ctf kills

or death farmers 100 plat =
150 pve deaths
100 pvp deaths
200 ctf deathts

or 100 plat for
85 flag captures

Please, NEVER do this.

The good thing about this game is that even richests can't afford good kills and deaths. It is a mark of devotion to the game.
Indeed, they can buy boost to get go max level faster, to get better loots; they can buy sweet vanity items, but they just can't buy kills and deaths.

That's a very important point.
Even if you're very rich, you can't overpass veterans who might have never bought any platinum.

Doing that would break the system.