Quote Originally Posted by Zeus View Post
I've seen MatanofX in PvP on more than a few occasions. Timezones are a dastardly thing! :/

@Remember Me
They sold the pets to leaderboard contestants as being OP. The bugs that you are constantly repeating, I am constantly correcting. They are not bugs.

Poison ignores armor. If you want armor to be factored in, prepare for noxious bolt to be nerfed, curse to be nerfed, and many other things that follow the same game mechanics. Furthermore, no DoT DMG is reflected back from pets period. So, if it were, all pets would have to be changed to this as this is a basic rule that ALL pets follow.

Let me know which part of the post you do not understand and I will clarify it for you.
Like I said earlier, I'm not look for a theoretical from you. I'm looking for an answer from a Dev or Mod.

Thanks for trying to help me.