Quote Originally Posted by eugene9707 View Post
But...but... they aren't ice-able (freezable) ._.
unless you mean slow...

And yes, it seems mages are among the first to dc, ran tomb 1 yesterday, and both mages disconnected together

and some tips if you DC:
1. if you are on pc and sees your ping skyrocketing, refresh the page and log in, chances are you will still be in the map

2. if you have multiple devices, log on to the other device as you see your ping skyrocketing. IF your other device logs in fast enough, you SHOULD still be in the same map Works for my tablet but not for my phone, as my phone take forever to log in. Simple test to see if it works is to go into any pve map, log onto your other device and see if you are still in the same map or not.

Hope this works
Thanks for copy and paste my post