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Thread: What Pocket legends should add :D :D

  1. #1
    Junior Member arbyssauce's Avatar
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    Default What Pocket legends should add :D :D

    Well considering that this game all in all is really amazing, it also has some flaws. First off, for the upcoming pvp, instead of having it were its just based on PVP itself, the dev should make a reward system with special pvp items. There should be a vendor that you can buy these items according to class and to level.
    some more ideas and reccomendations.
    1.) Instead of having a loot system where random players can take an item, allow a need/greed system or have it so the person who did the most damage to the enemy can take the rarest item that it drops.
    2.) Identify the skills more, with the descriptions, of what EXACTLY they do, cause i personally have no idea!
    3.) If a player is soloing a hard dungeon, increase the pink rate for the player because in reality its harder to solo then to have a whole party, the idea of having 5 people in order to get rares with a 1/100 drop rate is insane, especially without a loot system that gives the players the choice to take an item.
    4.) Dont allow people to create towns anymore, its a constant annoyance to see people whom made towns, just make 1 town unifying the server.
    5.) Tweak balefort castle so that whenever a group of 2 or more raids the last 2 dungeons the ping doesnt get to 6000.
    6.) Ozz should sell more items, such as pinks, and more rares, maybe make what hes selling random? the reason for this is because alot of players have way too much money and need an outlet to place it in, cause in pocket legends at the moment gold has no value.
    7.) Enlarge the stash, its annoying that it can only hold 5 items, maybe make a upgrade for about 5 plat that allows 50-100 slots
    8.) Make it so you can BLOCK people, which means that they cant spam you. The current system of ignore is annoying because its really easy to press by accident when you look at their character screens.
    9.) Allow the user to see whats on his head, for instance, if i have a helmet i would love to see what it looks like.
    10.) Add more bows available to buy with platinum, the current bows (sorry for this) are ****ty, i can find a common bow thats a lvl 30 thats better than the lvl 35 HC.
    11.) Allow the player to minimize the mini-map rather than having it take up the whole screen.
    12.) When someone invites you to a game, fix the glitch that if your in a town you cant go into their game.
    13.) Allow for a dps meter, and make a guide for the armor/damage taken ratios.
    14.) Make an option of choosing the gender of your class.
    15.) For pvp, make it so that we dont have to buy all the maps, if we already bought the maps make the pvp maps specific to the maps we bought, for instance, if i bought the 4 map pack, instead of having to pay 10 plat for each pvp map make it 2 as a discount for already purchasing the other maps, this will encourage the purchase of the big maps in the game.
    16.) Place Ozz in a more convinient spot.
    17.) Have a daily lottery that awards the players who play the most with an award of gold, or an item based on their level.
    18.) Not allowing players 3 levels under a dungeons lowest level into the dungeon
    19.) Increased xp gain please?
    20.) Instead of making items worth 200 gp and not much more than that, increase the amount you can sell purples and pinks for, perhaps have certain items that you can sell for plat
    21.) have a private group chat, were you can invite certain friends and talk, and make the access to the private messaging easier
    22.) Allow redeemable plat, if i accidentaly buy something and if i DONT use it, make it so i can sell it for 50 percent back.
    23.) Make it so i dont have to respawn at the entrance, and give the archers the abliity to revive as well, Increase healing amount for the buff that warriors have to heal as well too.
    24.) Create distance, such as, a heavy crossbow can hit this far, and then a shortbow can hit from this far.
    25.) Increase walking speeds, maybe create a run? that only last for about 10 seconds but can allow a group to get away from a situation if they pulled too many people, also will allow players who respawn to catch up quicker.
    26.) Allow pictures of yourself for the avatar on the forum!
    27.) Create quest? suuch as if you kill x amount of monsters you get x amount of gold or an item, but make the recieved items bind to the player.

    Any MORE SUGGESTIONS??? just tell me them! thank y'all!
    Last edited by arbyssauce; 05-16-2010 at 09:13 PM. Reason: needed too

  2. #2
    Junior Member arbyssauce's Avatar
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    Anything Else? btw name is arbyssauce on the second server

  3. #3
    Forum Adept TheBaconKing's Avatar
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    I respectfully disagree with most of what you said. Don't take it personally.

    1. Horrible idea, no offense. If it were to be the person who did the most damage then tanks and healers would be screwed. No thanks as I usually tank.
    2. I'm pretty sure it says what it does. It was just updated a few days ago. Much better than it was before.
    3. The game is a massively MULTIPLAYER online role play game. It is not meant to be solo'ed and you shouldn't be rewarded for soloing. No one would group if it were the case.
    4. Townes cannot be created. There is a limit to 25 people then the server automagically creates a new one.
    5. No comment as I haven't had ping issues there. Sorry.
    6. Gold will be able to be traded in 1.2 which will be out this week. Gold will be used more to buy items from other players.
    7. Fixed in 1.2 as well.
    8. ignore works fine, If there were block then it could be accidentally pressed as well.
    9. good idea, been suggested many many times.
    10. what would be the point of having monsters that drop good loot if you can buy everything? it would make the game too easy.
    11. You can. Hit the button at the bottom middle of the screen.
    12. Never heard it. If this were the truth then yes it needs to be fixed, but I have never had this issue
    13. no comment
    14. no comment
    15. The pvp packs that will be for sale are 3v3 and 5v5. No where does it say they will be in the maps already created. The one free maps is like a trial. If you like the pvp the support the hard work put in by the devs to create pvp for you.
    16. …….
    17. This might actually be your best suggestion

  4. #4
    Junior Member arbyssauce's Avatar
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    ha thank you for the feedback no offense man im just saying what i thought, i would much rather hear everyone elses opinions personally, i know some of my stuff sounds like **** cause well it is haha ! but thanks !

  5. #5
    Junior Member arbyssauce's Avatar
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    and in terms of soloing, im not saying create something offline, im saying if im soloing ancient swamps alone, then increase the drop rate, rather than making it so that after all the hard work and strategy all i get is an orange you know what i mean? and for the loot system, i want it to be that the items mainly go to people who need them, i hate the randomness unless your with people who respect you, but that rarely happens.

  6. #6
    Forum Adept TheBaconKing's Avatar
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    Like I said if they were to reward you for playing solo then there would be much less people playing as a group. In any MMO-RPG you will find that the levels cannot be soloed. Just be happy you can here..

    For the loot I created this thread a few days back, and many disagreed with me. Most like it how it is now.

  7. #7
    Junior Member arbyssauce's Avatar
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  8. #8
    Forum Adept Xanthia's Avatar
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    Just for the future...please before you post your suggestion, check the forums and make sure the idea has not already been brought up. For instance, some of the things you wrote up have already been brought up many times and somethings are already fixed.

    Xanthia - Enchantress
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  9. #9
    Junior Member arbyssauce's Avatar
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    sorry im new to al of this but thanks, hahaha

  10. #10
    Junior Member arbyssauce's Avatar
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    Im going to keep on adding stuff!

  11. #11
    New Member miaangel's Avatar
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    i think someone should come up with a less-complicated beginners "guide for dummies" cuz im so confused )

  12. #12
    Guardian of Alterra KingFu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by miaangel View Post
    i think someone should come up with a less-complicated beginners "guide for dummies" cuz im so confused )
    What do you need help with? Feel free to post a thread, or ask myself, or Royce, or anyone else who seems experienced

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